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Dieses Thema hat 2 Antworten
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 English Board
Suriel Offline


Beiträge: 2

04.06.2005 08:33
My name is SURIEL Zitat · Antworten

Hello my name is SURIEL

i am 19 years old. i live in Anaheim CA. my ethnicity is Hispanic from mexico.

I Googled my name on yahoo and came across DORN - Suriel.

i know my name means something having to do with the bible and an angel or something. But what is the connection with DORN and SURIEL?

its really interesting.

Here is my MYPSACE link Everyone.

THATS ME. I love metal too by the way. dimmu borgir, bathory, empeoror, immortal, dying fetus, iced earth, blind guardian, death, etc etc etc

Holger Offline


Beiträge: 351

05.06.2005 19:31
#2 RE:My name is SURIEL Zitat · Antworten

Hi Suriel !
You are welcome.

DORN_Micha Offline


Beiträge: 1.802

06.06.2005 08:52
#3 RE:My name is SURIEL Zitat · Antworten

ok, i'll try to answer...

"suriel" is an angle of death but unlike for instance "aszrael" he is a kindly angle of death who will help you.
the connection to "dorn" simply is that "dorn" (english: thorn) is our bandname and suriel is the name of our 4th album.

hope that helped

der einzige unterschied zwischen mir und einem verrückten ist die tatsache, daß ich nicht verrückt bin

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