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Dieses Thema hat 26 Antworten
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 English Board
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DORN_Roberto Offline


Beiträge: 1.313

26.10.2004 23:04
Russian Fans Zitat · Antworten

hey elegy, u said something bout many DORN-fans in russia? tell meh more plzzz...
i would know them, if it is possible :))))

greeeeeeetz from germany

Gimp? Gimper? Gimper als Roberto?
Wer's glaubt...

Elegy Offline


Beiträge: 22

27.10.2004 11:11
#2 RE:Russian Fans Zitat · Antworten

they know DorN, but frightened by German laguage on your site. Thats why nobody besides me comes here. :) I will say, that here is english varian of forum.

DORN_Micha Offline


Beiträge: 1.802

27.10.2004 11:22
#3 RE:Russian Fans Zitat · Antworten

ok, tell 'em.
and tell 'em that most of the dorn-members learned russian at school ;-)

Was, wenn die Erde gar keine Scheibe ist, sondern eine KUGEL?
Dann wuerde man trotzdem am Horizont runterfallen, nur nicht so ploetzlich.

DORN_Lars Offline


Beiträge: 211

27.10.2004 12:46
#4 RE:Russian Fans Zitat · Antworten

But nearly nobody knows more than 2 or 3 russian words. Exept from "Dostoprimetschatchelnosti" and "Do Swidania". Oh shit you can't write russian word with latin letters. :-)

I wish I would remember more russian, since I was in russia (OK belorussia - Minsk) years ago (1987).

Lächle! Morgen wird's schlimmer.

DORN_Micha Offline


Beiträge: 1.802

27.10.2004 13:03
#5 RE:Russian Fans Zitat · Antworten

dobroje utra, dobri djen, woksal, kak tebja sawut?, skolko tebje let?, privjet, druschba, schto eto?, maclo, sobaka, ...
hey, pretty much i still know.. ;-)

Was, wenn die Erde gar keine Scheibe ist, sondern eine KUGEL?
Dann wuerde man trotzdem am Horizont runterfallen, nur nicht so ploetzlich.

DORN_Lars Offline


Beiträge: 211

27.10.2004 14:46
#6 RE:Russian Fans Zitat · Antworten

Privet tawarisch Micha.

Hey Micha, this Board is called English board. Should we open a Russian board? So we can learn or recall some of our russian lessons at school.

Lächle! Morgen wird's schlimmer.

Elegy Offline


Beiträge: 22

28.10.2004 14:01
#7 RE:Russian Fans Zitat · Antworten

ok-ok :))))))))) You really know several words. Dostoprimechatelnost=aufmerksakeitn in German? :)

Alreadyy said about this forum on russian metal site. (

DORN_Lars Offline


Beiträge: 211

28.10.2004 14:58
#8 RE:Russian Fans Zitat · Antworten

no its "Sehenswürdigkeiten". Nice buildings worth to visit for instance.

Lächle! Morgen wird's schlimmer.

Elegy Offline


Beiträge: 22

28.10.2004 15:26
#9 RE:Russian Fans Zitat · Antworten

then aufmerksamkeiten what is it??

DORN_Lars Offline


Beiträge: 211

28.10.2004 16:55
#10 RE:Russian Fans Zitat · Antworten

I would say: little presents you give to your friend or girlfriend.

Lächle! Morgen wird's schlimmer.

Paul Offline


Beiträge: 2

21.12.2004 23:30
#11 RE:Russian Fans Zitat · Antworten

That`s a absurd situation: i haven`t found yet any CD from Dorn in big stores in Germany (Saturn, Mediamarkt etc.), but in Russia (in big cities certainly) you can buy a legal copy with all inlay for 5 EUR. Thats why that must be a lot of fans in Russia.

Very amusing, but my neighbour from Berlin knowhs only 1 word in russian: "dostoprimechatelnosti" =)))

P.S. Ich find euere Music einfach geil, hoffe dass ihr noch irgendwann nach Bayern kommt.


Yeshee Offline


Beiträge: 5

13.01.2006 21:20
#12 RE: Russian Fans Zitat · Antworten

Hello Band!
I'am from Russia. :)
You are very much good band. Play originally and excellent.)
One of my favourite Metal Bands. :)
I listen to your songs already an one year. Every Day.:)
And all has begun with this song 'Ewige Redner'. :)
Roberto, you one vocalist in a band? =)

DORN_Roberto Offline


Beiträge: 1.313

15.01.2006 03:12
#13 RE: Russian Fans Zitat · Antworten

ya, i'am! i use growls and sometimes my scream-voice:-)


Yeshee Offline


Beiträge: 5

15.01.2006 20:48
#14 RE: Russian Fans Zitat · Antworten

Your voice is very cool!
As scream and growl.. :)
"Gefallener Engel" is amusing harmony of growl, scream and women voice.. :)

Elegy Offline


Beiträge: 22

28.02.2006 20:11
#15 RE: Russian Fans Zitat · Antworten

Yes ! ! DORN is cool, cool,very oool band!!! When do you plan to release a new wonderful album?

DORN_Micha Offline


Beiträge: 1.802

01.03.2006 09:08
#16 RE: Russian Fans Zitat · Antworten
just wait until the end of 2006... we plan to release our 5th album somewhere in autumn/winter

Who is General Failure and why is he reading my harddisk?

Elegy Offline


Beiträge: 22

01.03.2006 16:15
#17 RE: Russian Fans Zitat · Antworten

OK! i will do wait!!!

Elegy Offline


Beiträge: 22

01.03.2006 18:51
#18 RE: Russian Fans Zitat · Antworten

Roberto, is it your OWN growl or TECHnical manipulations/

Altarior Offline


Beiträge: 256

02.03.2006 06:15
#19 RE: Russian Fans Zitat · Antworten

Its his own voice, unbeleavable but real.

Wenn es eine Welt ohne Leid und Schmerz gäbe, so ist es nicht die meine, die sich mit jedem Tag mehr nach meinem Dasein sehnt und fleht.

TheBypasser Offline


Beiträge: 8

09.02.2007 02:27
#20 RE: Russian Fans Zitat · Antworten

LOL guys, our numbers grow! Was around damn long ago, but still I've never read the forum 'cus I suck at understanding German lang :(

Lost inside a cycle of dreams
Transforming night into day
I try to grab the light
But only darkness remains for me

Holger Offline


Beiträge: 351

10.02.2007 17:10
#21 RE: Russian Fans Zitat · Antworten

Ask here and anybody will answer all questions. Maybe not all. LOL

- - -
Man sollte die Dinge so nehmen, wie Sie kommen.
Aber man sollte auch dafür sorgen, dass sie so kommen wie man sie möchte.
Curt Götz, dt. Schriftsteller 1888 - 1960

Dacha Offline


Beiträge: 4

27.03.2007 21:33
#22 RE: Russian Fans Zitat · Antworten
hi from St-Petersburg=)
TheBypasser Offline


Beiträge: 8

26.05.2008 01:53
#23 RE: Russian Fans Zitat · Antworten

so, one question persists..
When is the gig at last? ;)

Lost inside a cycle of dreams
Transforming night into day
I try to grab the light
But only darkness remains for me

DORN_Micha Offline


Beiträge: 1.802

26.05.2008 20:48
#24 RE: Russian Fans Zitat · Antworten

do you man "the" gig in russia? sorry, we'd really like to come but actually there is still nothing planed yet

Is mir doch egal, wie Dein Vater heisst. Wenn ich hier angeln will hat keiner übers Wasser zu latschen

SphinCS Offline


Beiträge: 1

25.12.2010 00:40
#25 RE: Russian Fans Zitat · Antworten

Gruß von Sevastopol !
There are really some devoted fans on ex Soviet region)(connect
Of course the first thing to be mentioned is GREAT THANKS for your music!!!
It would be really great if you finally plan some events in Russia,Ukraine & Belarus.
Guys,please inform,where we can see up-to-date news about the band.(Myspace seems suck up, no news.)
And what about long-expected new album?

Erfolg in Schaffen.

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