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 English Board
Sauron Offline


Beiträge: 43

08.10.2005 18:11
The Dorn Lyrics for Download Zitat · Antworten

I have uploaded the Lyrics in case you want them. I hope this is okay, if not than i will remove it. There are some Things i have changed:

* Added the Lyrics of "Liebe, Hass, Leben und Tod" (Love, Hate, Live and Death)
* Added a missing Line in the Song "Heldentod" (A Heros Death)
* Corrected some spelling Mistakes

The File contains all Lyrics, including the two new Songs "Flammender Zorn" (Flaming Wrath) and "Gottkind" (Godchild). It's a ZIP-File so you need WIN-Zip or any other Program that can extract ZIP-Files. And so you download it: Click on the Link above, don't right-click, that wont work. Open it and than you have to wait a few Seconds before the Download begins. Thats it!

heavenly_wrath Offline


Beiträge: 150

23.06.2006 17:28
#2 RE: The Dorn Lyrics for Download Zitat · Antworten

oh, sorry, man, but "live" is (in german vocal-script) spoken "LIF" and means "to live", leben (ich lebe, du lebst, ...)!
you need to write "life" spoken "LAIF" and means "das Leben"
from the womb to the tomb
my mind to be the darkest room

mosh Offline


Beiträge: 65

24.06.2006 04:56
#3 RE: The Dorn Lyrics for Download Zitat · Antworten

Your English is so good! Thanks for not saying anything about my terrible German:-) Well, Sauron's translation was close enough. I'm sure most English speaking people kind of understood. Lyrics translation is always difficult. The nuance of some words and the meaning the artists have originally intended can be lost in translation. Rhymes in German wouldn't even rhyme when translated into English. Don't you think DORN's lyrics in German sound a lot better than the English translated versions? I'm trying to imagine what it sounds like if Roberto did the same song in English.

heavenly_wrath Offline


Beiträge: 150

25.06.2006 16:19
#4 RE: The Dorn Lyrics for Download Zitat · Antworten
thx!, however, i learn english for nearly 9 years now and have only had asshole precise teachers, i even have to bother about if i will pass english subject this year (anyway looks like i will)... though the CAPITAL letters are much fewer than in german, they´re still tricky enough so i have FAILED the recent test...

of course translations always do contain (or rather: do NOT CONTAIN) a loss of meaning and effect. i wrote lyrics myself, some in english, some german and think each of them needs the right language to be expressed the way it´s ment to.

really nice idea to imagine roberto growling in english! would never have tought of things like that myself, but... pretty cute!
from the womb to the tomb
my mind to be the darkest room

Sauron Offline


Beiträge: 43

30.06.2006 13:46
#5 RE: The Dorn Lyrics for Download Zitat · Antworten

Thanks for the Hint. Well, i can't edit my Post now, so there are some Things i wanna say:

First, thanks for the positive Opinions. I really put Effort into the Translation and yes, i know it's not perferct. Some Things are difficult to translate and my English is not very good.
Second, the Downloadlink doesn't work anymore. Seems that the uploaded File was removed due inactivity. But since you can find all Lyrics here i don't think that it's necesarry to upload them again.
Last but not least, i'm very happy to read some Opinions, even if they come late. Thank you, People. If they are new Lyrics coming from Dorn, i will translate them.

Nice to be back!!

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