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 English Board
DORN_Roberto Offline


Beiträge: 1.313

29.12.2004 08:38
Here tha EnglishVersions of Dorn Lyrics Zitat · Antworten

this translations are made by our fan sauron (thx to him here) so tell him all ur argly impressions :D NOT TO ME!!!



DORN_Roberto Offline


Beiträge: 1.313

29.12.2004 08:40
#2 RE:Here tha EnglishVersions of Dorn Lyrics Zitat · Antworten


English Translation made
by Sauron

Can you see the glitter
Can you feel the sharpness
Aggression, his Guardian
Aggression, his Hardness

She is the Child of his Thoughts
A Blade, mighty and always ready
Man cannot control it
Aggression destroys and releases

She steals his Body, not the Soul
Till his Body dies, not his Heart
And he will become an Avenger of Honor
Kills, slaughters and avenge for his Pain

But there is no Morale, no Teaching
no end from this wretched Stupidness
understands nothing and steals also his Soul
Buried in the Name of the Lord and along with the Grief

English Translation made by


Burning Coldness

Cold Hands bring you on your Knees
Dark Mist blinds you
You can never stand up
If you confuse Darkness with Light

The Fire of my Hate
Dries the Tears of my Grief
Warmth has left my Heart
Death and Coldness plagues my Body

Those Coldness creeping burns my Soul
My Hate complies me with Pain and Teaching

So listen up my young Pupil
Think wise, if you want to follow me or stay
Dark, but clear is the Way of my Senses
But think of it my young Friend
You can never stand up
if you confuse Darkness with Light


My own Blood
English Translation made
by Sauron

It has guarded and loved me
And it still loves
It protected me, until I had the Strength to fight
Nearly never cared for himself

He showed me a Portal of Thinking
But never forced or tried to control
Reared as Scholar and as Son
to that, what I am, with the same Red

So it is my Task in Live
to hand down my Sense and my Wile
for I am the Last of my Blood
and my Destiny is not appointed for Death

I often followed not his Will
gone defiant alone, because I was too young
Wise he let me go in my own Senses
so that myself look around wise and understanding

Now is it for, the Time has come
Where I am strong enough, to go alone
On the Way, that I began
Soaked with my own Blood and his Teachings
I see the End of the Footprints
Valor and Might I feel near the Thoughts
To reach the End and to resume my Red
And only rest, when my Death approach and my Life
sinks in the Sand


English Translation made
by Sauron

Yearning against Defiance

The cleavage of my Being
is just a narrow Ridge
between Yearning and Defiance
between Strength and Grief

It looks like, Defiance makes me strong
and let me forget my Grief
But the disguise is not real
and the Power of Yearning chains my Body

My Heart yearns for Love and Security
far away from my dark Battle
The Warmth, which I sacrificed for Wisdom
and another, that replaces the Defiance Might
Yet the Cleavage is just a narrow Ridge
Day by Day both Powers battles
over the Rulership of Spirit and Sleep
Till one Might may be victorious

Which one it is, is hidden
In the far away Time, in a doubtful Morning


English Translation made
by Sauron

Mortal Fear

You live along in this World
with laughing and crying
Sometimes you are a Hero
Yet the Death hangs on your Legs

You live along in this World
with whisper and screaming
Sometimes you walk in Light
Yet dark are your Footman

Live my Friend, as long as you can
Tread on all Mountains and Valleys of Life
Through Breeze and Storm, Water and Land
To Infinity, to Death and his Feather

Let the wretched Ones die
And don’t see
your lying Deaths shards
despise and trample them simple

But let the Dead rest
They lived and died
So shall it be, even you
will be buried some time


English Translation made
by Sauron


Torches of Hell and Bolts of Heaven
Flame inferno and glaring Light
Undead Creatures and Heros on their white Horses
A Sorcerer, who summons or breaks the Ban

Footmens of Evil and Paladins of Light
Sagas and Myths of forgotten Religions
The Fantasy, who breaks Mans Mind
and distorts the Reality with dark Dimensions

Even me draws it to the dark Mysticism
to Flames with burning Glance
But I am not transient from this World
and identify the Danger yonder virtual Might

For there are Humans, who are addicted yonder Fantasy
And others, who appease their Greed by that
Form Troops and abuse holy Mythology
Preach and take by their infinite Irony

Therefore, take care of yourself my young Friend
Even when the Fantasy is luring
Stay faithful to the real World forever
And your Mind will never be broken


True Words
English Translation made
by Sauron
Comment: The Translation was very difficult, because the Lyrics above are written in old German and I don’t know the meaning of a few Words.

Man shall not trust the Maidens orations
nor the Word of a Woman

Like the rolling Wheel was prepared their Hearts
and Perfidy implanted

I saw it myself, as I sat in the Line
awaiting the Blissful mine
Like Body and Life I loved the Maiden
whose I never enjoyed

In her Bed I fond Billings Maiden sleeping, the
Jarls blissfulness does not mean much for me
when I cannot own her

Rather Odin you may come tonight
when it draws you to Argumentation
Sorely is the Disgrace when we not only adept such Failure

I came back, I forgot the Wisdom
only thirsty for Love
I fancied that I shall shall win
much Love and Lust from her

So I came, that the War folk protected all, the honestly,
With bright Torches and upraised Scheitern(I don’t know the meaning of that Word) they showed me the Way

Close to the Morning, as I came again
the Troop lay sleeping
A Bitch I found on the lovely Maidens Bed bounded there

Full of Falsehood it is, if its adapted exact
Often against the Man is the Maiden
I saw it myself, as I tried to debauch the Prudent to a Misstep
Any Dishonor the smart One do to me and I did not won the Wife



DORN_Roberto Offline


Beiträge: 1.313

29.12.2004 08:48
#3 RE:Here tha EnglishVersions of Dorn Lyrics Zitat · Antworten



Begining without End

English translation
made by Sauron

Friend! Awake, awake finally
Beaten blind and falsey loved
you have from the false Ones
Stand up and Run!
You cannot build on Folk, Human or Leader
None of those false One you can trust
You have to go your way alone
Trust me, Friend! No one will miss you

You can only live alone
Contaminated the Human, never defiled
Trough Money and Power. So be it.

Those Values he love
Friend, it looks like, that he donate and gives
But it looks like, only for the Blind and Dimwits
who forgives the false Ones again and again

So Friend, its up to you, which Way you go
Easy the true One, never will he be the right One
But he will illuminate your Soul with every Step
Power, Joy and Love you will find on this Ride

Only think of it, the False allways yaws
for those who defies, trough Honour and Purity the fig lose
Strong, resolved and ready for the Battle you have to be
For soon the golden Veil will catch up with you
Then you have to fight and win
Or else you the friend will be the Enemy, blind again, false again
And will never become pure


English Translation made
by Sauron

I have wandered trough dark Mist
deserted and alone
Behind me the sparkling and bright Light
But it was not mine
I searched for true Goodness
But i fond only one thing
entangles the World and fuller Suffering
You are lost in golden and sparkling Silk

Listen to me, everyone, who understands me
I will not pray or teach
But you shall see, what plagues me
It is the Hate that knaws on me

My Trust abused by those, who betrayed me
Hate and Sanity opend my Eyes
Farther and farther i trempled on old Paths
Carry along my Sword proud and convex
My Soul suffers Gentry and Pain
But my Day will come soon
Avenge will I me, they shall be damned

I am sunken too deep in a Realm
where to cross the Storms of my Thoughts is not easy
to turn back to a World i once escaped
In the World, where I was born
But this Ways gives not only Light
Also hurts my Heart
That slowly will break on Lies and Falsehood
So I submit to my Destiny
And travel forever and ever deeper in this Valley


Dark Depths
Translation made
by Sauron

The Time, a River, who devours everything
And banishs all Memories
Love, Hate, Horror and Luck
Nothing is eternal, everything drops in the Pit of Time

Infinite is only Death

Only Cold and Darkness rules in this Land
No Space, no Time, no Light

The Empire of Evil

When Life wanes, our Souls go down to this
Realm of the dark Depths


A Kind to Be

English Translation made
by Sauron

Am I drawn or am I forged
Shall I realize or shall I love
Go I own or am I drifted
Questions, whose Answers already lay before me

Still are those too dark or too clear
and can or will I not have them
Because the bring me the Pain of Insight close
that alas jut out over my Thoughts

Even there are Powers, who touch me like everyone
Be it the Wind, the Script or the tender Rose
Immune against Beauty or betrayed by Lies
It is mostly the haunting Envy in the Light of many Moons

My Way of Life is equal to the others
Yet the one of the Mind is alas small or rare
A Path, already been walked and with Stones so rich

That others avoid him, where at they was a Treasure so near

Yonder Way of Stones, who I tread
well drawn, but never forged
Leads me to a new Side
A Sound, a Feeling, that I love so ardent now


Ocean of Damnation

English Translation made
by Sauron

I swim battered and enfeebled
Also others swim slowly with or without Goal
Not close and not far, tacked to some Paths
Despite Hope they lose every Game

Too deep the Ocean, to see him
who dives, with little Air, glances to the Light
Who lay dying on the Ground, close to the Dead
they are smashed, but swam once like myself

Some sail on Ships, guided trough the Star
safe and dry across the Ones down under
Looking greedy only after other ships in the aloofly
A Ship with the same Goal, with the same Slavery

Then the Ship sails only with the work of those
who once swim free and row now imprisoned
A Tribute for Bread and dry Warmth
that the pay to their Prayer Year for Year

Only flying at the Top of the Sky
can none of them, who fight below
Everyone fights in the Ocean of Damnation, of Live
The Battle for Bread or Gold or for Deaths Blessing

The Ocean was always here
and it will never fade away
For the Human is the Ocean and those Drama
Where all go blind by the Golds shine

You cannot flee
You have to decide
Anvil or Hammer you can only be
In this canting World - cold as Stone


Translation made
by Sauron

Days will break
Nights will blossom
Humans will revenge
The Day cold and boldly

Crawling and nevertheless strong
Bleeding and resolved
They slaughter for the Day
they once enjoyed

Souls full of Fire aspire for Retribution
They will break on this World
Only they who fit this World will life
Days of Revenge will come
Blood from them will be spilled on the Ground
They who take our day with Falsehood

The Hearts drives
Prosperity and Blind
Thinks the Suffering
who are trough War and Battle

Cowardice from them
brings closer the Victory
Let them burn with Pain and without Honor
The Day comes all the closer


English Translation
made by Sauron

White Night

Can you hear them speak
Can you feel them lie
Can you see us crave
And betray ourselves

Who are they, to tell us
how we have to live and to believe
Choke on your false advice
You will never steal our senses

So listen to my proud Warrior
Deliver your People from this white Night
Raise your sword and stretch them down
Let them fell the Pagans infinite Power

Avenge bloody your equals
Avenge honestly your Ancestor blood
Fight for your new but old Realm
Inflame a Soul fire of an everlasting Blaze



DORN_Roberto Offline


Beiträge: 1.313

29.12.2004 08:54
#4 RE:Here tha EnglishVersions of Dorn Lyrics Zitat · Antworten



English Translation made by Sauron

Dorns Birth

“Can you see the inconspicious Way there?”
“There, in the Darkness, where the Light is not so bright.”
“So hear yet, my shoving, sweetish Word !
Follow, and you will become, what you are in your Dreams already”

So I wandered, away from the bright, broad Stone
So I followed the Ways Voice, plangent in my Ears
So I leaved the vile Thinking and my once trivial Beeing
So died the old Eyes, my old Seeing and Dorn was born

I cannot turn back
Nothing breaks the Voice
Go further on a broad Stone and see
That you will never understand the Whispering Voice


English Translation made
by Sauron

Dorns Heart

It is minted by Abomination and Hate
it is smirched with yonder black Blood
It only beats, because I let it
then with every Beat I find new Valor

It also lives for the dark Mysticism
for this Music and her beautiful Aggression
It beats against the real World and her Drama
A Friend named it short: Rebellion

So hard it is, to be, what a Man is
Too often the Sanitys trick wins
And still the Hearts Voice becomes silent
You lost her in a loud Silence

Even I had to learn, to listen to my Heart
It says so much, begins, to beguile me
Good against Evil, Darkness against Light
It speaks so much, but I don’t understand it yet

So learn its language, find his Word
It does not beat only, it also speaks to you
Dorns Heart is my Soul and its Palladium
Forget Norm and Mind and listen to your Hearts Greed


English Translation made
by Sauron


She comes, when the Day goes
Brings the Moon and the Star
She comes, when Life wanes
Calls her Death, and will pull on you

She rules, when you feel Pain
Complains about Lost of Friend and Love
She rules, when she feeds the Heart
like a dark Fever, so that it freeze to death

She protect all these, who are arisen from her
Enemies of Light, Friends of Night
She protect the Death, his move will suceed
Somebody dies, and she gains Power

Yet she is beautiful, more beautiful than Light
Then she rules more, much more than Light
Therefore, don’t underestimate her
Darkness is already here, before your Heart breaks


English Translation made
by Sauron

Eternal Orator

I hear them talk, and see them woo
Give Promises, to break them
They put us down to Fools and build us Coffins
Leads periodical to there bags, up our Calculation

I hate their Lies, their constant Orations
Wallow in fatal Idleness and makes Diet
The stupid Masses believes, is blinded, and gives their Blessings
Some time they feel the Mischief, than it is too late

Hold your Tongues, you false Myrmidons
The wise Ones will detect the Betraying
Vengeance is their next Treat
Their Kind and Manner will specify the Avengers Wrath

Lift yourself up from the earthly Stupidness
Begin to think and laugh upon the Liars
Safe your Power and live with a little Modesty
School your Spirit and swing the metaphoric Fist


English Translation made
by Sauron


They strike and kick just for fun
Bones breaks and Blood is spattered
Three against One, oh how ridiculous
He had no Chance and prays for himself

One gets a Year, the Rest suspend
The Others weeds Beds and water Park Plants
Still the Victim lay in Bed, a Victim of Falsehood
The Pain toils him, cursed be our Justice

They judge utterly stupid and call it fair
The Victims go wide, but the Blood was real
The Jail is a 3 Star Hotel
Build for the Evil with our Money

He maltreats and abused her
Was probably sick, so not for the Hotel
He goes in the Sanatorium, applies for 5 Years as unattributable
Than he is healed, and again there is a Victim

Who are you, that you say
He can go, he is tame
What about the Victims Luck?
Can you give him his Life back?

Therefore, pay no attention to the Voices, no Creed
Only trust yourself and your Eyes
Raise yourself and your Sword, wake up!


English Translation made
by Sauron

Shadows of the Past

Your Future is already minted
by your Past, wether good or bad
The Shadows follow you without Mercy, steadfast
they will always be with you, with Luck or bad Luck

Yet I rarely experienced
that good Shadows spoke for me
No, they where killed by the Bad Ones
and nothing can or will avenge them

Everything is like it should be
Nothing is like it not should be
Here and there you come to the same End
Wishes does not count, and the Shadows demand their Toll

Even when you notice your Failures
and begun to chance yourself
No one wont to believe it, to know it, unless:
There is Friendship, and the Rulership of the dark Shadows will end


English Translation made
by Sauron

Soul Fever

Fear rules you Heart
Desperation paralyzes your Spirit
Anger freezes your Pain
and you stand still by Sickness

Slowly you apprehend, what`s happening with you
Can`t make a Step forward or back
A dark Shadow raids you like an Animal
Infects you with a Fever, that destroys Luck

You only commit one Deed
Just lose a single Mind for it
She does not fit in the Picture of the Masses
So you will be punished trough Treason and Reputation homicide

No matter for the Kind of the Deed
No matter is Meaning and Idea from you
So they judge with blind Hate and false Advice
Yet anyone begins a likely Deed, and forget by judging their Shadow Animal

Your Soul Fever is their Fault
Your Sickness it their Fault
They rather judge and hate
for to see them self, to see their Falsehood


English Translation made
by Sauron

True Might

You seek for that, what does not belong you
Because you think, it will batten you
Thereby you nearly forget your beautiful Belongings
It is too old, and an Urge for new Illusions will pull

More Money and more Fame
another Man, another Wife
Material Thinking controls your Doing
Ruling Warmth loses in a new Dream

But first, when you have won the New one
You will valuing mourn over the Lost one
The reasonable One learns and repent the dear One
The clever One does not blind it, does not deliver the own Goals

“Is yellow the Color of the World?”
“Yes! So it is on this Side of!”
Yellow is the Money
and yellow is your Jealousy

Yet dark is your Life with yonder dreadful Garb
It let the Warmth disappear and let Treasures fade away
When you love, what you have, you have true Might
Guard this Might and fulfilled Life will form



DORN_Roberto Offline


Beiträge: 1.313

29.12.2004 08:59
#5 RE:Here tha EnglishVersions of Dorn Lyrics Zitat · Antworten



English Translation made
by Sauron

This Voice

The Mirror Image crushes you
The Thoughts swings mazy around
Your Smile will fly away
Your Face will bleach
Only the Image in the Mirror knows the Truth

Fog cloaks your Senses
The Darkness takes your Sight
A Thunderstorm numbs your Hearing
The Tone of my Voice you can`t identify
The Image in the Mirror screams silent in your Face
The Burden of the Truth you can`t feel

Your Way leads you away from all the Ugliness
You betray your Heart with false Beauty
Yet the Way leads you to No-Ones-Land
And Pain will rob soon your Sanity

Sharpen your Senses and detract yourself from this Delusion
Trust your inner Voice, don’t fight more against it
Open yourself for this mighty Feeling of Solitude
Free yourself from this all etherealized Falsehood

Listen to the Song of falling Rain
that sprinkles gentle on your Pillow
Let the Truth penetrate you
Try to begin a new Life


English Translation made
by Sauron

Fallen Angel

Deeper and deeper he falls
on and on flows blood
louder and louder he screams
it dies, it dies his Glow

His Blood congeals, his Heart keeps silent
his Head finally tends to the Ground
broken for all Eternity
broken is he trough Jealousy

Now he lies here, in Gods Work
Hate and Death welcomes his Human Heart
He is fallen for Humanity
yet Gods Darkness surrounds him

My foolish Friend, realize it
you have been betrayed by your equals
false is this World and full of Grief
Mortal being, your Beauty will wane

You will live in Solitude
until Time takes you
You will die in Darkness
and God decided it


English Translation made
by Sauron

After Aspiration comes Defiance
and after Love comes Hate

At the Beginning rare and light, later strong and often
Till Sanity fades beneath the dark Belles

It is nice to wallow in black Blood
that Hate spills again and again
Covers surely the Suffer blaze
tries to inflame you as bright as a Flash

Hate is the Power of easy forgotten
An easy Way of quick Simpleness
Do not always be possessed by the hard Way
For Hate leads to the Goal and rarely to Foolery

Mere you have to tread this Way not to often
For the black Blood always yields harder from you
Bright Red will become sopping black in your Body
And the Eyes steels dark to an revengeful Greed

Still yourself have to find the End of your Way
And in the End march on or turn back
You go own my Friend and there is no Blessing
Hate covers all the wretched Suffer blaze


English Translation made
by Sauron

A Heroes Death

Man against Man, Poor against Rich
Liberty against Terror and Iniquity
Heroism and Hate for Guerdon
Courage and Ideals for mere Gold

Slivering Bones and Screams of Pain
Bloody Earth, shredded Bowels
On the Ground, dead Silence and Whimpers
Corpses sinks gray into Darkness
He closes his Eyes and his Heart keeps silent

Shadows grow longer, the Battle is over
Like a Shroud the Night falls
A Battle, already lost, before it begins
in their own Blood the Liberty drowns


English Translation made
by Sauron

Mighty Dreams

The Moon looks down on his Child of the Night
her Heart was broken from a powerful Might
It looks like, only deeper into Darkness leads her Way
Wake up, my Child. You have lived just a Dream

He offers blinding Hope and dark Pain
His countenance enchants, and opens your Heart
betrayed you will be by his mighty Light
until he breaks into thousand dark Shards

Now you drown in an Ocean of Salt and Grief
you moan and calls for it, the Past
be quiet, my Child, he will not come
The Dream is gone! Yet he did not take your Life/
The Dream is gone! Your Dream

So stand up, my Child. Leave the Night
soon the elusive Might will enchant you again
A new Phantasm will come, will churn in you
forgotten the old Grief, you begin to dream again


English Translation made
by Sauron


I am alone
Emptiness rules in me
Feel me forlorn and pushed away
I expected more from you

Have fallen even deeper
in a wide dark Nothingness
No one looked back for me
And not even a single Word from her.

The Moments of Luck
they yield so quick
The Warmth of Pleasure
it expires too quick

My Heart trusted the lovely Shine
It would like to be with you
Your Being gives him Security
Yet Stranger, where was your Honesty

The Game risked and serious thereby
you ripped my Heart in two
Responsibility? Everything just empty Words
A Kingdom in a never existing Place

Take this Mask off, that bribes us
Look behind Facade in your own Face
Admit yourself, that she is still with you
Let her go, so that you can be yourself again


English Translation made
by Sauron

Dusk and Dawn

My Eyes are blinded by the Sunlight
the Azure plants its rampantly Germ
The Spectacle of Life get up its directed Aisle
But I detract myself from this pink Chant

Lovely cold and dark is it down here
bloody Emptiness, whereon my Heart freezes
Everything dies here rotting, shrieking loud
it only ends, when Dawn is breaking

My Heart beats faster
my Breath gets easier
my Eyes shine brighter
my Light dawns always shallower

It is Time, the Day ends
My Time in Life was wasted
The Lips of Dawn kisses me
and the Blacking swallows my Light

it shall not dawn, it shall not end
no Morning should blind me anymore
Quiet and eternal be my dark Luck
let me here, take me not back

So shall it be, so will it happen
he will take me in his Arms
I go away, leave the Life
for me will be no more Tomorrow


English Translation made
by Sauron


How deep is the dark of your Ego?
How deadly is the Pain, that speaks in you?
How many Tears will have to shed your Heart?
How many Grief shall flow through your Veins?

The blindness of the Masses drifts you before the Threshold,
distorts your Dream and your Life Source.
You are alone in this sallow World.
Sulky, cold and there is nothing, what keeps you alive.

Why ends your frightened Tries up in failure?
Why does not anybody help you with your endless Search?
Too often you screamed at your odious Itself.
Too long you gathered Valor, to flee finaly.

How deep is the dark of your Ego?
How deadly is the Pain, that speaks in you?
How many Tears will have to shed your Heart?
How many Grief shall flow through your Veins?

Close your Eyes and take his Hand.
Feel his Embrace
Give him Confidence
And tread with him your new Land



Sauron Offline


Beiträge: 43

04.10.2005 22:00
#6 RE: Here tha EnglishVersions of Dorn Lyrics Zitat · Antworten

I haven't been here for quite some Time, so please excuse me!
As you may have noticed, Dorn have recorded some new Songs. They are called "Flammender Zorn" and "Gottkind". I have translated the Lyrics so you can understand them. I know that the Translation is not perfect, but i hope you like them anyway.
Enough talking, here are the Lyrics:

The first Song:
Flammender Zorn (Flaming Wrath)

The End is near, it's at hand
Light yields the Darkness
Grief becomes a new meaning
The Dominion of Winter is over

Fire rains down from the Sky
Chaos brings a new Night
The World burns in my Battle
From Wrath and Jealousy for a divine Might

I bring Darkness and Death
Child! Feel the Horror, the Wrath, the Need
From my Hand drips your Red
Stroken dead, wailing you drop from your Throne

The Feather of Terror draws the Land
The Heros of Winter dies in the Sand
My Wrath of Fire banished the Ice
And his etching Breath burned everything

The Dominion of Winter is over
Yet Phantasm and Lies remain

Only the Dead of this gory Night
Witness the End of my Battle
And Ashes trickles shallow and soft
On the cold Grave of the Winter Night


The second Song
Gottkind (Godchild)

On the Sky the Darkness give Birth
To the Winter of Hate and Jealousy
The World already engulfed in a white Dress
Perdition rejoice on Humanity

Now it wanders through this Worlds Valleys
Heralds its Teachings, its Seed
Tremples old Paths, old Halls
Old Beliefs will fall through Winter

Now look back to your Paths
Desecrates and tainted ancient Sagas
White Ashes waves your Winterwind
On holy Land, you wretched Godchild

Listen to, you craven Being
Fire shall rain down upon you
Die through the Sword of the Pagans
Feel their Suffering

But Winter will never end
With his dark Guard, with his Children
The old Sagas frozen in the Winterland
The old Gods are dead, slaughtered by the Hand of the Child

galli666 Offline


Beiträge: 43

01.01.2006 00:54
#7 RE: Here tha EnglishVersions of Dorn Lyrics Zitat · Antworten

hat sauron sehr gut gemacht aber bei dorns geburt hatt er dorns birth geschrieben müsste aber thorns birth heissen
aber echt respeckt sehr sehr gut und auch irgenwie interresant
mfg galli
das bild von mir ist der 1ste dorn patch überhaubst hat ein freund von mir selbst gestickt.

DORN_Roberto Offline


Beiträge: 1.313

02.01.2006 10:57
#8 RE: Here tha EnglishVersions of Dorn Lyrics Zitat · Antworten

DORN ist in diesem falle ein eigenname und wird nicht wortwörtlich übersetzt O_O


galli666 Offline


Beiträge: 43

03.01.2006 16:32
#9 RE: Here tha EnglishVersions of Dorn Lyrics Zitat · Antworten

aber bei dem lied dorn hat er aber auch thorn geschrieben ;)
das bild von mir ist der 1ste dorn patch überhaubst hat ein freund von mir selbst gestickt.

Sauron Offline


Beiträge: 43

30.06.2006 15:00
#10 New Song !! Zitat · Antworten

Dorn has made a new Song called "Königin des Feuers" (Queen of Fire). You can download the Song here: . I have translated the Lyrics, hope you like the Result:

Queen of Fire

It is black, dead and beautiful pure
Only Dust and Shadows, no Life, no be,
Trough Ruins of long forgotten Splendour and Shine
Haunts the Silence of the Ghost of the Past

They breathe and whisper of unspeakable Grief
About their burned Bodys, about their Pain
Abysmal Screams howls loud around their dead Bones
But they break, resound, choke on black Stone

A Runlet of Perdition flows across the Land
Through a World, where the Song of Fire sounded
Along at Pictures of Fear and Dread
To the black Forest, where everything began

A Smell of bare Abhorrence fills the Air
The Sea of Corpses spread its distinctiv sweet Scent
And high above this almost endless Crypt
there dances the Pureness at the red Sky in silent Revengefulness

Snow shall fall no more
Water shall freeze no more
No Child shall forge false Bounds

Now the silence prevails, around which bolts itself Flames.
On that no more will never sing a Child from Winter.

heavenly_wrath Offline


Beiträge: 150

03.08.2006 09:00
#11 RE: New Song !! Zitat · Antworten

I could do a complete rework, correcting the "mistakes" i find and re-forming the sentences that sound unproperly to me, instead of steadily telling sauron what he made wrong, should I?
wenn das leben zur abwechslung mal nicht scheiße ist,
ist es erst so richtig scheiße

Sauron Offline


Beiträge: 43

19.08.2006 18:11
#12 RE: New Song !! Zitat · Antworten

Do it, if you like.

DORN_Micha Offline


Beiträge: 1.802

10.11.2006 12:39
#13 RE: New Song !! Zitat · Antworten

ok, finally your great work is online at our website. thanks a lot to you (and thanks to holger for reminding me)
Kennt Euer Gott die zehn Gebote?

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