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 English Board
Sauron Offline


Beiträge: 43

19.01.2007 06:44
Release date of the new album + translation Zitat · Antworten

Good news for all of our foreign fans of Dorn, the new album "Spiegel der Unendlichkeit" will be released at February the 23th. Here is the cover:

and here are the song titles, including a translation of the song titles:

Spiegel der Unendlichkeit (Mirror of infinity)

1. Eisglanz (Ice glance)
2. Gottkind (God child)
3. Königin des Feuers (Queen of fire)
4. Windtränen (Wind tears)
5. Nachtblut (Night blood)
6. Winterwacht (Winter watch)
7. Spiegel der Unendlichkeit (Mirror of infinity)
8. Flammender Zorn (Flaming wrath)
9. Kaltes Herz (Cold heart)
10. Kriecher (Creeper)

Lyric translation will follow as soon as i can make them, probable as soon as the album will be released.

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