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 English Board
Sauron Offline


Beiträge: 43

22.10.2004 13:56
Translations Zitat · Antworten

Here can you find a Translation of the Titels of all "Dorn" CD's. Sorry, but no Lyrics, yet. This should give you an Idea of what is "Dorn" singing about. Also, i add a few informations about the CD.

The First CD "Falschheit" (Falsehood), released in the Year 2000. In the Beginning, "Dorn" used a Drumcomputer.

Intro (instrumental)
Weiße Nacht (White Night)
Rache (Revenge)
Eine Art des Seins (A Kind to Be)
Dunkle Tiefen (Dark Depths)
Anfang ohne Ende (Beginning without End)
Meer der Verdammnis (Sea of Damnation)
Dorn (Thorn)
Die Idee (The Idea, instrumental)

The second CD "Brennende Kälte" (Burning Coldness), relaesed in the Year 2001. This is the first CD with a real Drummer.

Agression (Agression) means as much as Anger or Wrath
Liebe, Hass, Leben und Tod (Love, Hate, Life and Death)
Brennende Kälte (Burning Coldness)
Mein eigenes Blut (My own Blood)
Verlockende Falle (Enticing Trap)
Sehnsucht gegen Trotz (Longing against Defiance)
Wahre Worte (True Words)
Verhängnis (Calamity, instrumental)

The third CD "Schatten der Vergangenheit" (Shadows of the Past), relaesed in the Year of 2002.
Dorns Geburt (Thorns Birth)
Ewige Redner (Eternal Orator)
Seelenfieber (Soul Fever)
Schatten der Vergangenheit (Shadows of the Past)
Wahre Macht (True Might)
Gerechtigkeit (Justice)
Licht der Hoffnung (Light of Hope)

The new CD "Suriel" (it's the Name of an Archangel), released in the Year of 2004. "Dorn" is now a real Band. The following have joined him: Ira (female Voices), Lars (Keyboard), Michael (Bass), Sebastian (Drums)

Hass (Hate)
Heldentod (A Heroes Death)
Morgengrauen und Dämmerung (Dusk and Dawn)
Gefallener Engel (Fallen Angel)
Mächtige Träume (Mighty Dreams)
Diese Stimme (This Voice)
Maskerade (Masquerade)
Suriel (a Name of an Archangel)
Perigaeum (the Name of a far away Galaxy, I guess, instrumental)

If I made a mistake, please fell free to correct me. I cannot guarantee for the Correctness of the Translations. If i have the Time, i will translate the Lyrics too.

DORN_Micha Offline


Beiträge: 1.802

22.10.2004 14:28
#2 RE:Translations Zitat · Antworten

wow, very well done, but i think Perigaeum is not a galaxy but the point where moon (or some other astronomical object) is closest to earth

Was, wenn die Erde gar keine Scheibe ist, sondern eine KUGEL?
Dann wuerde man trotzdem am Horizont runterfallen, nur nicht so ploetzlich.

Sauron Offline


Beiträge: 43

22.10.2004 14:32
#3 RE:Translations Zitat · Antworten

Shame on me. Well, thanx for the correction.

DORN_Lars Offline


Beiträge: 211

22.10.2004 17:10
#4 RE:Translations Zitat · Antworten

Nice Idea to translate the stuff to english. I remember some people asking for that. May be you/we can start a translation project with this.

I would suggest to translate "Dorn's Geburt" with "Dorn's Birth" since Dorn is the name and you can not really translate it.

Lächle! Morgen wird's schlimmer.

Elegy Offline


Beiträge: 22

22.10.2004 18:41
#5 RE:Translations Zitat · Antworten

very interesting! Thanks!

Sauron Offline


Beiträge: 43

09.11.2004 21:22
#6 RE:Translations Zitat · Antworten

Hello People. I finally managed it, to translate the Lyrics of "Falschheit". So, I would like to put the Lyrics into the Internet, but I have no Idea, how I can do it. Can anybody help me?

DORN_Micha Offline


Beiträge: 1.802

09.11.2004 22:48
#7 RE:Translations Zitat · Antworten

hm... the only thing i can think of, is to send the lyrics to us so we can but them on our page

irre explodieren nicht, wenn das sonnenlicht sie trifft, ganz egal wie irre sie sind

Sauron Offline


Beiträge: 43

16.11.2004 10:29
#8 RE:Translations Zitat · Antworten

Hello, Micha. I hope you got my E-Mail. What do you think about my Translation?

DORN_Micha Offline


Beiträge: 1.802

16.11.2004 10:58
#9 RE:Translations Zitat · Antworten

yes i have your mail.
sorry, i cant tell you what i think because i havent read it completly. the parts i read sound good to me.
i will forward the translations to our webmaster who can put them online. as i'm not at home for the next 2 weeks i can't tell you exactly when, but it will

irre explodieren nicht, wenn das sonnenlicht sie trifft, ganz egal wie irre sie sind

Sauron Offline


Beiträge: 43

20.11.2004 19:17
#10 RE:Translations Zitat · Antworten

Well, I just finished the Translation of the Lyrics of "Brennende Kälte" and "Schatten der Vergangenheit". Now, they have just to be uploaded. And, good and last, i am working currently on the Translations of "Suriel". When I am done, you will hear of me.
I can only say one thing last: The Translations will not be perfect. But I hope it gives you all a good clue of what is Dorn singing about.

DORN_Roberto Offline


Beiträge: 1.313

21.11.2004 05:14
#11 RE:Translations Zitat · Antworten

u r teh best :D

Gimp? Gimper? Gimper als Roberto?
Wer's glaubt...

Sauron Offline


Beiträge: 43

22.11.2004 21:54
#12 RE:Translations Zitat · Antworten

Well, I am finally done with the Transaltion of the Lyrics of "Suriel". I will send the Lyrics to you, Roberto, so that you can take a look at it. I hope they are in as satysfactory manner.

Suriel »»
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