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Dieses Thema hat 6 Antworten
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 English Board
Elegy Offline


Beiträge: 22

28.10.2004 18:16
Suriel Zitat · Antworten

I listened to this album today. Last song, self Suriel, is genious, MAYBE simple? but listening is quite plrasant!

DORN_Roberto Offline


Beiträge: 1.313

29.10.2004 16:37
#2 RE:Suriel Zitat · Antworten

suriel (song) is my favourite
Gimp? Gimper? Gimper als Roberto?
Wer's glaubt...

Elegy Offline


Beiträge: 22

29.10.2004 16:51
#3 RE:Suriel Zitat · Antworten

yep. I just love it!!! Though i like all this album. BTW, who is this angel Suriel? I see that it is fallen angel, but never heard about him...

DORN_Micha Offline


Beiträge: 1.802

02.11.2004 13:54
#4 RE:Suriel Zitat · Antworten

suriel is one of the archangels
he is an angel of death but the one of good nature. he helps you on your way from world of the living to the realm of the death.
it is also said, that moses got all of his wisdom from suriel, so he is an angel of knowledge too. i think suriel was the one, that brought fire to man.

a little more information is available at

Was, wenn die Erde gar keine Scheibe ist, sondern eine KUGEL?
Dann wuerde man trotzdem am Horizont runterfallen, nur nicht so ploetzlich.

Elegy Offline


Beiträge: 22

02.11.2004 20:36
#5 RE:Suriel Zitat · Antworten

There is a song Gefallen Engel in the album. Is it the fallen angel, isn't iy? Then strange...

DORN_Roberto Offline


Beiträge: 1.313

03.11.2004 00:04
#6 RE:Suriel Zitat · Antworten

Gefallener Engel = Fallen Angel, ya, correct!

but it isnt suriel!!!
it is any angel who deicided to become mortal.
to become human...

Gimp? Gimper? Gimper als Roberto?
Wer's glaubt...

Elegy Offline


Beiträge: 22

03.11.2004 07:10
#7 RE:Suriel Zitat · Antworten

ah, ok. Now i see, thanks!

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