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 English Board
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Altarior Offline


Beiträge: 256

11.10.2005 16:25
#26 RE: RE:Foreign Members, please introduce yourself ! Zitat · Antworten

@ Holger

Its not your english that sucks, its my...

@ mosh

You would realy come to us?

Be sure, that you have your afterfinishparty! I´ll take free this day(s) and hope for meet you...
(i´d wrote, that i never write here in future, but i do it again...for you...never had a chance to see fans from german walls behind. And understanding is not the problem, but answer...hope i´ve wrote understandly enough and you´re not reading with "???" over your head)

metal up your head

see you
Durch ferne Täler sollt ich wandeln um zu finden. doch fand ich nichts sehnlicher, als zu Haus zu sterben

mosh Offline


Beiträge: 65

14.10.2005 10:14
#27 RE: RE:Foreign Members, please introduce yourself ! Zitat · Antworten

Hi everyone,

Thank you for such kind words! I already feel welcome and it's only October. I don't know for sure if I can make it to Berlin in December yet, but I started looking into airfare and such. If I get to see you in Berlin, I'd really love to drink beer and hang with you guys after the gig! That would be really awesome! I will let you know in advance if I'm really coming.

Micha, thanks for looking up the shipping cost of T-shirts to the USA. I will definitely order the shirts if I can't make it to Berlin in December. I didn't know that the shirts had to fit in a certain size envelope - the envelope must be really small!

Hoger, I read your most recent post in German about the GEMA. Well, it was a little difficult for me to understand everything at first. But I used my dictionary to look up some words. I wasn't aware of what has been going on in the music industry. That was very informative! I could have commented in German right now, but I guess I'm being lazy.

Altarior, I think I know what you meant in your post. I'd like to meet you too, and the party would be so exciting! I will try not to be a party-pooper. I hope I can really make it there.

See you guys later!

DORN_Roberto Offline


Beiträge: 1.313

20.10.2005 03:01
#28 RE: RE:Foreign Members, please introduce yourself ! Zitat · Antworten

here i am! ... hey mosh, u r female??? O_O

"in remember.."...." husband..."....


stay cool, thats tha darkest point of my thoughts! well, if u can catch tha arriving 666 to berlin for tha uba dorn gig in decembre, ull have a hotel.. a room in my flat, if u want it. u musnt pay for sleep here:-)


mosh Offline


Beiträge: 65

04.11.2005 06:17
#29 RE: RE:Foreign Members, please introduce yourself ! Zitat · Antworten

Hi Roberto & Micha,

I just wanted to drop by and wish you guys the great gigs today and tomorrow!
I didn’t know how to say this right in German, so I’m writing in English today.

Roberto, Thank you so much for your nice message!

I’m still planning to come see your 8 December gig. I’m really looking forward to seeing you guys! I’ll post / PM again before then.

DORN_Roberto Offline


Beiträge: 1.313

04.11.2005 12:33
#30 RE: RE:Foreign Members, please introduce yourself ! Zitat · Antworten



TheBypasser Offline


Beiträge: 8

09.02.2007 21:51
#31 RE:Foreign Members, please introduce yourself ! Zitat · Antworten
..oh crap I just found this topic lol..

Hi all!
Name's Ivan (yup, from Russia), heared of your band not very long ago, straight after the Suriel release, but listened to all your albums after that and liked them very much! Bad my German is way below any standards, but fortunately it was enough to register here :) And thanks to Sauron for the lyrics translation btw!

Hope you guys will play here in Russia sooner or later ;)

Lost inside a cycle of dreams
Transforming night into day
I try to grab the light
But only darkness remains for me

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