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  • Re-translation of ALL Dorn lyrics!!Datum18.02.2007 05:20
    Foren-Beitrag von Sauron im Thema Re-translation of ALL Dorn lyrics!!
    I know what you mean, but Roberto said once:
    Dorn is in that case a proper name and doesn't have to be translated word-for-word.


    Download this attachment, i have correctet some stuff. Now it should be fine.

    -Sorted the lyrics after the songtitles
    -Removed overseen spelling mistakes and some capital letters
  • Re-translation of ALL Dorn lyrics!!Datum16.02.2007 17:37
    Thema von Sauron im Forum English Board

    Hello friends,
    why, do you wonder, have i made a re-translation? Simple, there where many things that keep bothering me for some time now about my translations. Especially the capital letters in the letters have bothered me. Also there is a song that i forgot to translate, it was "Liebe, Hasse, Leben und Tod" (Love, hate, life and death). So i spend some time and made it better this time, of course you all deserver the best and i give my best. The new translation can be found in the attachment.
    And this is what i have done:

    -Removed the capital letters in the lyrics (Because in english you write everything small)
    -Replaced some words with new ones
    -Added the song "Liebe, Hasse, Leben und Tod" (Love, hate, life and death)
    -Removed some spelling mistakes (this live and life thing confuses me everytime)

    I hope this time everything is all right.

  • Thema von Sauron im Forum English Board

    Hiho friends, today i've completed the translation for the lyrics. I hope you like them, if there are mistakes, please tell me. PS: I have already translatet three songs some time ago, you can find them here:

    So let`s begin:

    1. Eisglanz

    Ice Glance
    Translation by Sauron

    The hate raves in your body
    and the world tears your flesh
    it doesn't hurt, the pain is gone
    and you surrender yourself to the foolish ice

    "Welcome to this beautiful land
    come closer, don't be afraid
    Here you shall forge your new bound
    Come! Take my hand!"

    Now you glance into your gloomy valley
    full of lie, power and agony
    Here rules the curse of the winter band
    Henceforth dark is your day

    Now go on and dream your life
    Find your destiny also with icy blessing
    you let yourself blind by winter
    but your luck you will not find there

    Then the pure ones want to see the ice melt
    Words of revenge will abuse you
    Your death will sown the fire
    You will burn and your lips will pray

    Your ashes scatters the wind
    And whispering laughts the child:
    "You are dead! Leave my land!"
    ...and torns the bound


    4. Windtränen

    Wind Tears
    Translation by Sauron

    The trees hums a song
    The needles dance to it
    It strokes gently the childrens hair
    And whispers of pain and agony

    The branches dandles in the wind
    The forest is sunken in moonlight
    A Child dandles in the needles
    Gleams soft, with a pale face

    The trees sings his song
    The flakes dance with him
    Dandles, whispering it kiss the child
    His last breath takes the wind

    It carries the lore swiftly across the land
    The story of the forest, of moon and child
    And the fathers harks to the winterwind
    Screams, mourn and cry themself blind


    5. Nachtblut

    Translation by Sauron

    The world is at change
    Time ends
    Here! In the shadows of night
    Here! At the gate of darkness
    And corruption blackens the blood

    This is the place where the dead walks
    Where storms and nights of revenge uprise
    Here where the breath burns
    And the shadows drowns everything in their blood

    Throuhg the gate creeps a fog
    Screams and whispers attend him
    On the path an army marches
    His battle cry for revenge stokes valor


    The world is at change
    Here in the waft of the fog
    Here in the march of the army
    And finally black is blood and heart


    6. Winterwacht

    Winter watch
    Translation by Sauron

    The wind touched very gently and smooth
    With cold wind the deep night
    In this white bed wakes up
    A pale heart made of ice

    Henceforth this sky shall blind
    His thouhgt and doing aggrieve with foolishness
    The Lie shall complete the word
    Falsehood defiles the mirror

    Can you hear his song sound?
    Can you feel how they conquer you?
    The melody of your false suggestion
    Guardians they are who sing

    Along and along, oh winterchild
    Human and soul freezes the icewind
    The fathers kept watch about his sense
    Hold the spell, leave it blind

    The winter feeds again the night
    His winds sow this icy might
    In false snow it awakes
    Again a child of the winter watch


    7. Spiegel der Unendlichkeit

    Mirror of infinity
    Translation by Sauron

    Yet for thousand tides long
    Assassins and ravagers draws throuhg the land
    Poisons, blinds and bring along the icebrand
    The legendary myth at godlike mightglance

    Now they stand in the valley of eternity
    The army of winter, the army of pureness
    Icy ground gave birth to hate and envy
    And the ember of heaven brings death and harm

    The blades of might crosses
    Driven, rushed, blended and deadly
    Anger and pain rules the battle
    Blood and screams of unleashed trustpower

    Inexorable and mercyless
    Winter and fire rages in the womb of trust
    And they shall never see the end
    Nerver find the way of salvation

    In this war the banner of eternity wafts
    And so the circle of destiny closes
    In this world never ruled an deity
    Commander is only the mirror of infinity


    9. Kaltes Herz

    Cold Heart
    Translation by Sauron

    I am the harm, i am the pain
    I am the sepsis that nurtures you
    I bring fear and fright along
    I am the ulcer that always returns

    My lips whispers your names
    Choke and die on my breath
    Pray to god, beg for mercy
    But it is my blood in which you bath

    You hate and love me
    Conquer and denie me
    I am your voice, your face
    With me you suffocate Godlight

    Horror and fright are my power
    Burn! Burn and die in my battle
    Fools! Only i have ignite the fire
    Fools! Myself have brought you down

    I am the cold that feeds you
    I am yours! Your winterheart


    10. Kriecher

    Translation by Sauron

    I want that you run
    I want that you burn
    So that wrath terms your names
    So that fire will sear your smile

    Run! And run you condemned ones
    Your joy shall vaporize in hate
    You shall share my being
    You all shall overtake this harm

    I see them laugh
    I see them dance
    From fraglant taunt contaminated servants
    And i hate their grimaces

    They honour and love themself
    Swear on their only true light
    Vow and praise their lifes
    On that they nurture their blindness

    False! False and stupid you are
    Creeps like lower animals
    I will see your you burn
    In decadence you will perish

  • Spiegel der UnendlichkeitDatum19.01.2007 06:47
    Foren-Beitrag von Sauron im Thema Spiegel der Unendlichkeit

    Freu mich natürlich auch schon wie ein Schnitzel auf das neue Album. Die gehörten Songs klingen schon mal recht vielversprechend.*schon ganz aufgeregt sei*

  • Thema von Sauron im Forum English Board

    Good news for all of our foreign fans of Dorn, the new album "Spiegel der Unendlichkeit" will be released at February the 23th. Here is the cover:

    and here are the song titles, including a translation of the song titles:

    Spiegel der Unendlichkeit (Mirror of infinity)

    1. Eisglanz (Ice glance)
    2. Gottkind (God child)
    3. Königin des Feuers (Queen of fire)
    4. Windtränen (Wind tears)
    5. Nachtblut (Night blood)
    6. Winterwacht (Winter watch)
    7. Spiegel der Unendlichkeit (Mirror of infinity)
    8. Flammender Zorn (Flaming wrath)
    9. Kaltes Herz (Cold heart)
    10. Kriecher (Creeper)

    Lyric translation will follow as soon as i can make them, probable as soon as the album will be released.

  • Here tha EnglishVersions of Dorn LyricsDatum19.08.2006 18:11

    Do it, if you like.

  • Here tha EnglishVersions of Dorn LyricsDatum30.06.2006 15:00

    Dorn has made a new Song called "Königin des Feuers" (Queen of Fire). You can download the Song here: . I have translated the Lyrics, hope you like the Result:

    Queen of Fire

    It is black, dead and beautiful pure
    Only Dust and Shadows, no Life, no be,
    Trough Ruins of long forgotten Splendour and Shine
    Haunts the Silence of the Ghost of the Past

    They breathe and whisper of unspeakable Grief
    About their burned Bodys, about their Pain
    Abysmal Screams howls loud around their dead Bones
    But they break, resound, choke on black Stone

    A Runlet of Perdition flows across the Land
    Through a World, where the Song of Fire sounded
    Along at Pictures of Fear and Dread
    To the black Forest, where everything began

    A Smell of bare Abhorrence fills the Air
    The Sea of Corpses spread its distinctiv sweet Scent
    And high above this almost endless Crypt
    there dances the Pureness at the red Sky in silent Revengefulness

    Snow shall fall no more
    Water shall freeze no more
    No Child shall forge false Bounds

    Now the silence prevails, around which bolts itself Flames.
    On that no more will never sing a Child from Winter.

  • The Dorn Lyrics for DownloadDatum30.06.2006 13:46
    Foren-Beitrag von Sauron im Thema The Dorn Lyrics for Download

    Thanks for the Hint. Well, i can't edit my Post now, so there are some Things i wanna say:

    First, thanks for the positive Opinions. I really put Effort into the Translation and yes, i know it's not perferct. Some Things are difficult to translate and my English is not very good.
    Second, the Downloadlink doesn't work anymore. Seems that the uploaded File was removed due inactivity. But since you can find all Lyrics here i don't think that it's necesarry to upload them again.
    Last but not least, i'm very happy to read some Opinions, even if they come late. Thank you, People. If they are new Lyrics coming from Dorn, i will translate them.

    Nice to be back!!

  • CD TipDatum26.10.2005 20:17
    Foren-Beitrag von Sauron im Thema CD Tip

    Mein Tipp: Graveworm - (N)Utopia

    Hab mir letztens auf das Video "I - The Machine" gezogen und war sehr angetan von der Musik. Ich hatte mir mal die CD "Scourge of Malice" gekauft, aber die hatte mir überhaupt nicht zugesagt. Nachdem ich mir das Video angeschaut habe, habe ich mir kurze Zeit später die CD besorgt und kann die nur empfehlen.

  • The Dorn Lyrics for DownloadDatum08.10.2005 18:11
    Thema von Sauron im Forum English Board

    I have uploaded the Lyrics in case you want them. I hope this is okay, if not than i will remove it. There are some Things i have changed:

    * Added the Lyrics of "Liebe, Hass, Leben und Tod" (Love, Hate, Live and Death)
    * Added a missing Line in the Song "Heldentod" (A Heros Death)
    * Corrected some spelling Mistakes

    The File contains all Lyrics, including the two new Songs "Flammender Zorn" (Flaming Wrath) and "Gottkind" (Godchild). It's a ZIP-File so you need WIN-Zip or any other Program that can extract ZIP-Files. And so you download it: Click on the Link above, don't right-click, that wont work. Open it and than you have to wait a few Seconds before the Download begins. Thats it!

  • CD TipDatum04.10.2005 22:08
    Foren-Beitrag von Sauron im Thema CD Tip

    So, hier ein paar Empfehlungen von mir:

    Primordial - The Gathering Wilderness
    Eisblut - Schlachtwerk
    The Vision Bleak - Carpahtia
    Vesania - God the Lux
    Slough Feg - Atavism
    Nile - Annihilation of the Wicked
    Mors Principum Est - The Unborn
    Kamelot - The black Halo
    Stormlord - The Gorgon Cult
    Fjoergyn - Ernte im Herbst

  • Here tha EnglishVersions of Dorn LyricsDatum04.10.2005 22:00

    I haven't been here for quite some Time, so please excuse me!
    As you may have noticed, Dorn have recorded some new Songs. They are called "Flammender Zorn" and "Gottkind". I have translated the Lyrics so you can understand them. I know that the Translation is not perfect, but i hope you like them anyway.
    Enough talking, here are the Lyrics:

    The first Song:
    Flammender Zorn (Flaming Wrath)

    The End is near, it's at hand
    Light yields the Darkness
    Grief becomes a new meaning
    The Dominion of Winter is over

    Fire rains down from the Sky
    Chaos brings a new Night
    The World burns in my Battle
    From Wrath and Jealousy for a divine Might

    I bring Darkness and Death
    Child! Feel the Horror, the Wrath, the Need
    From my Hand drips your Red
    Stroken dead, wailing you drop from your Throne

    The Feather of Terror draws the Land
    The Heros of Winter dies in the Sand
    My Wrath of Fire banished the Ice
    And his etching Breath burned everything

    The Dominion of Winter is over
    Yet Phantasm and Lies remain

    Only the Dead of this gory Night
    Witness the End of my Battle
    And Ashes trickles shallow and soft
    On the cold Grave of the Winter Night


    The second Song
    Gottkind (Godchild)

    On the Sky the Darkness give Birth
    To the Winter of Hate and Jealousy
    The World already engulfed in a white Dress
    Perdition rejoice on Humanity

    Now it wanders through this Worlds Valleys
    Heralds its Teachings, its Seed
    Tremples old Paths, old Halls
    Old Beliefs will fall through Winter

    Now look back to your Paths
    Desecrates and tainted ancient Sagas
    White Ashes waves your Winterwind
    On holy Land, you wretched Godchild

    Listen to, you craven Being
    Fire shall rain down upon you
    Die through the Sword of the Pagans
    Feel their Suffering

    But Winter will never end
    With his dark Guard, with his Children
    The old Sagas frozen in the Winterland
    The old Gods are dead, slaughtered by the Hand of the Child

  • LebensliederDatum14.07.2005 18:22
    Foren-Beitrag von Sauron im Thema Lebenslieder

    Ein paar Bands kenn ich auch, obwohl ich nicht ganz so ein Fan von diesem Depri-Zeug bin. Also da wären:

    Forest Stream aus Russland.

    Saturnus aus Dänemark

    Ajattara aus Finnland

    Mehr fallen mir im Moment nicht ein.

  • 08.07.05 Essen, Zeche CarlDatum05.05.2005 00:26
    Foren-Beitrag von Sauron im Thema 08.07.05 Essen, Zeche Carl

    AARGGHH, so viele geile Bands und ich wohne so weit weg. Ich wohne in Hessen und würde mit dem Zug ca. 4 Stunden bis nach Essen brauche. Mann, das macht ihr doch mit Absicht, oder ??

  • BumpDatum05.05.2005 00:08
    Foren-Beitrag von Sauron im Thema Bump



  • Rollenspiele/MMORPGs/sonst. GamesDatum24.03.2005 18:26
    Foren-Beitrag von Sauron im Thema Rollenspiele/MMORPGs/sonst. Games

    Ich bin schon seit Jahren ein großer Rollenspielfan. Das hat damals schon angefangen, als ich mir mein SNES gekauft habe. Mein erstes Spiel dafür war "Secret Of Mana", das ich auch heute noch gerne spiele. Ich bin auch ein großer "Final Fantasy" Fan. Ich habe die die Teil 6,7,8 und 9 durchgespielt. Nicht vergessen sollten wir "Zelda". Die Serie ist einfach Kult und ich kanns kaum erwarten, bis der nächste Teil für den Game Cube rauskommt. Im Moment spiele ich gerade "Star Ocean - Till the End of Time" für PS2 und "Fable" auf der X-Box. Beides sehr empfehlenswerte Spiele.
    Für den PC habe ich auch einige feine Rollenspiele. Diablo 1 und 2, Arx Fatalis, Morrowind, Vampires Redemption und Bloodlines, Pool of Radiance und Neverwinter Nights.
    WoW spiele ich ab und zu bei meinem Kumpel. Ich spiele einen Menschenpaladin namens "Megatherion". Da mein Kumpel leider fast die ganze Woche keine Zeit hat -er studiert- kann ich nur mal für ein paar Stunden am Wochenende spielen. Die meiste Zeit spielt er -er ist schon Level 35-. Everquest habe ich noch nicht gespielt, werde es wahrscheinlich auch nicht. So wie ich das gelesen habe, soll das Spiel sehr schwer sein und nicht gerade einsteigerfreundlich.

  • BumpDatum15.03.2005 20:50
    Foren-Beitrag von Sauron im Thema Bump


  • BumpDatum30.01.2005 01:10
    Foren-Beitrag von Sauron im Thema Bump


  • Thema von Sauron im Forum English Board

    A Request to the English speaking Forum Members: Please introduce yourself. I think, its in the Interest of all other Members. Please tell us somethink about you. Also tell us, for Example, how do you take notice of the Band "Dorn".

  • Death-MetalDatum27.01.2005 13:25
    Foren-Beitrag von Sauron im Thema Death-Metal

    Vor kurzem gekauft:
    Behemoth - Demigod. Geile Scheibe. Für Fans von Nile sehr empfehlenswert.

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